It is all about setting the scene. And! Life's all about your journey
through time; it's all about you going beyond your family of origin,
stepping on top of people as you find your way. This is the way it is supposed to work for the healthy Brain; unfortunately, society wants to control the way that the Brain processes its choices. You are denied the opportunity of doing and gaining experience through participation. Now this is a popular social model used by the "elites" because most of the Brains in the population were "dumbed" down by the prejudices learned within the their family of origin. The Brain needs to go beyond the individual's point of view. Because "self best interest" is the prevalent gate keeper of Society's masses. Meaning, society's elites control threw opportunities; which means that society will give and it will take away because it is a game of political proselytizing. It is their play book on Hermeneutics. But! If you are gifted this process could dumb you down; so that you will not reach mental maturity which means that life gave you less opportunity to develop what "could have been" because you were not offered the opportunity to stimulate this trait, your way of interpreting life's realities. Life is not meant to be controlled by any one position because the evolution of life is through the mother passing the egg of life to her daughter to pass on evolution's message; this is not the realm of man. Man is "Y" and intellect does not run on the "Y"; it is a product of the "X." So, what I'm saying is that the female brain got the "up -date" for the future; the male did not; he is yesterday's memory. Now! if you are a male? And if you are hot for your own feminine side, you might have a better chance of attaining enlightenment. The Alpha side of religion has to bend over, spread its cheeks, and take it like the "bitch" that it is. My advice to you is stop stepping on each other and understand that when you form a "union" it does not have to revolve around money; the key is "power"; unionizing gives you equality. The "right to work" state is the "elite's wet dream." You get shit; there is nothing that you can do about it. For example, my story: My license required that I must act as a fiduciary toward my client; if I did not, I could go to prison. Yet, under the right to work state's methodology. SC will not allow the courts to take it into consideration. Anyway, if there were a union you could walk around each other. You could cohabit the same space without stepping on the situation. The idea of a "right to work" dichotomy is without -a- doubt the "Maggot model." Please rethink: "May Yesterday's Dream Be Tomorrow's Memory" and dump the "wet dream" which the "elites" hold out in front of you; pick yourself up; be the dream of tomorrow. You can do it; I know you can; I know you can.
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