I was watching C-Span on TV yesterday; the subject, as far as I'm concerned, hit the nail squarely on the head of the problem -judicial corruption. For example, in my own situation, I was found guilty of a crime which never happened because the judge caved into the political powers that put his "black" ass in office. Let me set the scene: It's 1987; I'm in Myrtle Beach, SC., living across from Mother Fletcher's on 8th Ave.N. In these time's Mother Fletcher's was the reigning incubator of social intercourse. My epicenter -my corner of the "world" was Bus.16 and 8th ave N. What was I doing that turned the system against me? Well let me answer that question, by saying, "not understanding how eccentric the opposition could be.' For example, one night while checking into my new "occupancy" around 75th Ave. N. -on the beach, three men came at me; one of them knocked me out as I responded to their inquiry. They worked for the property: the lawyer - the accountant -the Marketing Director. Nobody wanted me to set up my "program." This was set up to work like the stock market. Each resort on the beach was set up to trade against each other resort on the beach except they were going to be controlled by me. Meaning, "occupancy" of the property was king -"high cotton." The beach was divided up into weeks so that you could maximize occupancy. The company that I was doing business with held all of those weeks listed for rent or sale. The individual resorts along the strip would now have competition for their resort's resources, vacationing families. Now I could be selling on the property right along side of them, only for less money. Whoever the "Fuck" they were: there was a "hit" out on me; "that story was always in the prison hopper on inmate #161696 alias 666. My marketing tool was so so sweet: I was marketing the "east west challenge" on the Domino's pizza box; those boxes were ending up in all of the hotel and motel rooms every night in the "program's" promotion for family vacationing along the Grand Strand. Than, when I took over the breakfast crowd, meaning the breakfast table's place mates had my advertising for family vacationing at a 50% discounts. No gifts! I was offering the best price, resales. I had half a dozen restaurants that specialized in the family breakfast along the Grand Strand. What am I saying? I'm saying that they, how ever "they" is, set this scenario up -having me brought up on false rape charges so that they could get rid of my program, I was set up because they did not want competition; and, because they had the power of the judiciary in their pocket. I went to prison; I also died. All I can say is that they play hard ball. There is not a single mother fucking Christian amongst them, except in name only; yet if I'm wrong and it is God's will as you all profess; that it is God's will that put me in prison and not your vindictiveness, I do truly apologize for misunderstanding your way of courting.
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