I'm a male 'lesbo'. Now, I didn't start off that way. I was a 'hetero' male, even though my environment was robust with sexual innuendo. You know! you have to have a feeling that there is more to life than there seems to be. When this occurs the only thing to do is allow for your feminine other to take control of the psyche. Now! you have duel control of self, two ways in which to scratch that itch -with no name. Imagine: It's like what happens when you are young and slender, convicted of a crime, sent to prison where you become one of the he/shes servicing the needs of the Alpha males in lock up. You got there because maybe your prosecutor was female wearing her 'strap on' prison style; its function is to fuck over on you because you would not cop a plea; or otherwise, she was working her Alpha side of power. Girls do it too. It's not just men who wheel their power in a negative way as we see portrayed across the air ways, today. Just ask anyone who works in the service industry; as I did, especially if there was a contract needing her signature, show me what pleasure is all about, this is her mantra: give me what I want when I want it. Those kitty cats want to get you gone -back on the highway. Sidebar: "reading between the lines" - in this story, you sold her husband on the idea of pleasure for the wife -your silver tongue got him into "time sharing" as a romantic way to spice up life.
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