There was this "moment" I'm not defining it only recanting it. It was in my mind a responsibility because I was the moment. Let me paint a picture, you're in the bay on a sail boat; there are maybe several hundred sail boats anchored in the bay, plus one or two major toys were there as well, big boats. You leave your boat and motor off to some cove forming around pleasuring your essences with alcohol and music, doing that dance that only they can dance to -you know what I mean. OK on the way your mind observes the lay of the bay according to the lay of the boats at that moment. Now, because they are boats they bob and sway around their anchor line. This shifts the boat's position so that it can be at any spot within its radius around the anchor. So that, when you are returning from your journey through the evenings offerings, you are "fucked up." But, you get in your dingy anyway and dingy into the unknown -unless your boat is lit up in some very original way. This is when you panic because you are just not used to this shifting of remembrance; because, it is not like going from the pub to your home. Like the shifting sands of the Sahara, nothing is the same as it was when you left the boat earlier, including yourself. And, now I'm on the boat sucking it out -another bottle of beer. I get this quiet "firecracker moment" where I needed to light up like the glow worms. So, I got out my flashlight; played out the copulation by blinking the flash of the flashlight, like the lighting up of the eggs. My friends who were "lost" were now "found" because my copulation guided their way home. Fucking A! Now -if the truth were know- I believed I had a maternal moment; knew that I had to play out the "Paul Revere Ride" -one if by land and two if by sea. I had to rescue the children for they were out sinning again, I was so fucking jealous. I picked up my flashlight; aimed it at the morphing shipwreck acting as a bar, sending out quiet flashes of "quiet firecrackers" so that they new that they were safe.
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