Yes indeed, it did happen to me too. Craig's List sent me a false positive: its name was "just-me." Liar Liar, your soul is on fire. You crushed my lust just like the mean old men in prison crushed my sense of what is natural when it comes to jail house sexuality. Yes! You care only for self gratification. I come to you looking to find out what could be; you abuse my spirit with your lackadaisical sleaze. Your approach to my comfort lacks the wisdom of yesterday's discernment. My parish priest was right on about the devil's true intentions. Shakespeare once said, "to be or not to be, that is the question." What is to "be" is me; for, I am on the "list." Now I say to you, Craig's List, you are unfaithful, undeserving of my folly into the realm of the internet. You crushed my lust for the secret of Pandora's box. Granted, I will admit that I'm looking for "kink" in all the wrong places. Just like when I was a young man growing up in Boston, Ma; believe it our not, I use to go into the "titty bars" to shoot pool and be entertained by the exotic dancers. And -you know- my parish priest would tell me in the confessional booth that those "titty bars" are the places where the devil hangs out. Now I really know where the devil is handing about. That is right, the devil is lurking under false pretenses as -casual encounters- in the personals on Craig's list. This is where the old men and some young women go to tantalize each other. Yes, I remember going to the movies when I was a young man. One movie in particular, "The Music Man" reaffirmed what my parish priest said about pool halls. Yes! I'm saying that the "casuals encounters" section of Craigs list is as devious as the pool halls of yesterday. The "lie" is in; the fix is just like shooting up the juice of your own imagination. Because you can not think that women from the "titty bar" generation are any thing like the woman which you bring before the parish priest on your wedding day. The same goes for the impersonators from "casual encounters."
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