Well what do you think. What was Adam hiding under his leaf? I think he was trying to protect his genitals from Christianity. And by the way, Christianity had not been around, unless it was the snake. You remember the snake, don't you? The snake is always there in someone's mind because it is the jealous piece of shit that created the stench which keeps everyone worried about the future of the Everglades in Florida. This is right, invasive species deposited by you because they wore off their luster; your mind just needed a new something or other to help it masturbate itself in the closet or under the covers. Yes, this is where you get your trinkets from. The closet you hide in as well as the bed that you shame. OK! So what does Eve think about it? Just maybe, you cleaning out the closet and changing the bed linen. No! This is my junk; I do not want you touching it. And yes, I read that someone else said that same thing as they were going through security at their local airport terminal. "Do not touch my junk" because we can assume that he valued his junk or maybe his underwear were dirty because he did not have a chance to get the church's permission to change them. Perhaps he thought that the security people at the airport were junk collectors like the parable preachers from the morality division of the Christian sects breaking off into the new world order of their times. Who knows what anyone really thinks. And just maybe, Adam was hiding a surprise for Eve to enjoy. Like it could be a surprise for valentine's day.
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