Monday, March 31, 2014

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Yes, I'm on the horse with no name; I'm so glad that Roy Rogers and his horse Trigger are not out riding amongst the Joshua trees. I would not want them to get a whiff of my second hand smoke. But maybe you just might like to come into the tepee with me and absorb the aura of our communion; When I was young, it was Roy Rogers and his horse Trigger guiding my way. TV was the in thing and morality was the Western frontier. John Wayne became the man, a man's man. How we wanted things to appear. And of couse it was just a mirage: Like the rat's nest that I came out of would not connect with the image which the community wanted to foster. No, I lived life off the street. I got my first hair cut when I was five years old; the same year that I broke my arm. It was my grandfather's barber shop where I got the hair cut, not my broken arm. He also gave me the broom and told me to sweep the floor. This is where I started to shine shoes for the customers. I was five and I work every day of my life until I was drafted into armed services in the early 60's. I spent 1964/65 in Peshawar, West Pakistan on behalf of the our Government, NSA support services with the Air Force. My whole life changed; it is one of those experiences that changes you in a way that is hard to understand so it is difficult to express so others can understand. I stumbled throughout Paris ,France for the following two and a half years before retiring for the good of the service, and honorably so. The kid who was a shoe shine boy when he was five would never recognize this dischargee from the Air Force. Totally unfocused, looking only for the pieces that others could not see.
Under the leaf: hiding....
Friday, March 28, 2014
Thursday, March 27, 2014
My girl... TBM.me
TBM.me: the new t-shirt label for theblackmarket.me will give us a market share - meaning a presence in the market place.And let us face the facts, without a market presence you can not participate in the cultural affairs of the community. This is what I want to do because the generic felon is without representation. You remember the "Boston tea party," no taxation with out representation? This is the dilemma: felon's are without representation because it is the way the system represses itself, isolation. Keep the felon from being able to attain the license required to compete for resources. As in my case, I was able to get my real estate license back because there was never any evidence presented to the jury to justify the conviction, nor was their any evidence of fraud in my background according to the FBI back ground check. Back to the story, the reason that I did not get a pardon from the Governor was most likely because I refused to repent and confess to a crime that I did not commit. I did not plea bargain with SC. I got shafted by SC. I never confessed to raping anyone. When you plea bargain with the state you confess to the crime even if you are not guilty because the system wants it that way, and if you do not plea bargain than the state will bury under the jail. There is no social justice in SC, never mind criminal justice in SC. Position is everything in SC. And all of the positions that the felon can fill are temporary positions, ones without status quo protection from a society which shuns the generic felon. They have stained themselves, deficient of consideration from the group. This is the mindset of a deficient society. Where, as a union, we can foster a more honest offering. The felon t-shirt is our metaphor, raising itself to the "letter" quality; meaning, when you see the letter 'A' you may also see an apple in your mind's eye. Like each of the 26 letters in the alphabet, when viewed separately, can reflect upon various manifestation because we are all unique. For example, the letter 'W' could bring forth the 'witch' who offered up the apple as nourishment, knowing that it was poison. Please note, the letter 'F" does not want to stand for felon, but for "...freedom to free oneself of old assumptions, to discern previously unseen patterns and to dare. Come touch, taste, tap, toy with, discover and rekindle that which is ours yet your alone." This is the T-shirts message. TheBlackMarket.me
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
I'm a local union
" Come on down"! Yes, it is the moment to do this because, if I join a union, I can litigate the problem. Now, if you want to endorse my case against the state and its rogue prosecutors then it would be alright for you to join the club. Buy a t-shirt so to show support for social justice and the ever growing felon population, the only population that is in it for life. Yes, the damage done to you by the state in their process of creating a new felon. The state is creating a new form of slavery, a permanent lower class about the state feels good in order to support its growth. So, OK, they all say that "the key to success is selling the truth." Their purged testimony is simply this: the statements they made were false. Both the mother and daughter made false statements to the jury and the jury found me guilty because of the "lies." Now I'm a political prisoner because I'm an embarrassment, the body they burned "-Frankenstein" - all because power brokers in two states played the game -no 14th amendment, no equal rights. Political prisoners lack standing with the court and the constitution as regards equality. But, if there is evidence that shows prejudice it will prove that some one manipulated the situation to foster their advantage of the project's tax deductible real estate factor. Its potential for all business was robust. Yet, today, Obama said the key was rule of law. Well I ask Obama, where was my rule of law. Rule of law is bottom-up only of the elites; there is no equality amongst the masses. This is why I'm blogging. I'm blogging because plea bargaining is killing the chance for individual justice. Plea bargaining is equal to guilty until proven innocent.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Friday, March 21, 2014
what ever...up yours!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014
"Irish eyes are smiling"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014
YES: "Your Easy Side"
Berlin will always be a special place to me; in, 1967 it was the "old Eden," a garden of life's attitudes. Yes, I was there. The Playboy Eden even had telephones on the tables- just pick up the phone and dial the table's number. He/She would pick up and the dance of love would begin; the pleasures of Berlin would flow and permeated the senses of desire, lust. In '67, Berlin was a surreal stage upon which humanity thrived against the odds. A little side-bar, I love my sister-in-law; she made my stay special. Carol lived on the bohemian wave flowing through sexuality's rhythm; she was woman. And yes, she had a guest room for me with all of the civilized amenities. To my sister-in-law, I salute your remembrance; to all others, please remember those from your past who added pleasure to your life. Respect those pleasures because they are controlled by others; the system is very disrespectful because it's stratified and its powers are all controlled in the top tiers of its structure. There it can become very deadly. Remember one of history's lessons: "man's search for meaning" by Frankel; this book will give you insight into hell. Believe me when I tell you some things are better learned on the vicarious template method rather than up close and personal like being tortured by the system. For example, If the idea of life is participation; if you take participation away than there is no life by definition. It juxtaposes what old ministers say: "be in this world, not of it" meaning, do not act as they act; act in a 'easy' way.
Friday, March 14, 2014
Black Oak Cafe!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
What ever!
Letter to the editor:

Monday, March 10, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
...reading between the lines...understanding.
"So give me a little kiss will you, huh...." I'm really a prince if you just take the time to discover me; just give me a little kiss and I will turn into a prince. I'm felon the 'frog,' full of riches if I can only fine someone to turn me into their Chia pet. The pet is always a good metaphor for communicating a thought; I'm felon the 'dog'. I say to you that I'm God because I have some character issues and learning anomalies, like dyslexia. I say that you are here to experience my bounty. We end up confusing the issue of how to treat each other. For example, Who is the master? Who is the pet? You say that you are a child of God, yet you will not kiss me. Please remember, It was the wicked witch of Man that turned me into felon the frog denying God the rights promised, equality. Now, if there is no God, than I'm wrong and you are right. Than I'm here to suck the shit out of your ass because I'm a member of the "fecal -oid" family. I'm always the fertilizer and you are always the fruit, no pun intended if you take the leap of homophobia and think that I was saying that you have a queer way of thinking. Just kiss me and get it over with because I have a lot of creativity in me. "The gift of fantasy has meant more to me than my power to absorb positive knowledge,"( Einstein).
Monday, March 3, 2014
Stupid......yes, That is right....
Saturday, March 1, 2014
When 21 is 22 it is -April fools day.

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