Yes, the key to life is having a robust social life, but because I'm listed as a sex offender, it is absent. 'Fear' is what others feel and that puts me in an awkward imbalance to society. Let me tell you what happens: In prison the sex offender is set up to be raped or molested by the other prisoners, and this practice is saying that if you have to molest someone well then molest the rapist. Now, on the out side of the 'icicle garden,' the same labeling is going on to the point where a registered sex offender is walking around with a target on their back saying if you have to rape someone rape me. I am never relaxed in the US any more or maybe I 'should' say SC. And SC is where I live; it is not a safe environment for me, and it seems that I'm not the only one out there who feels that the environment is not safe, just the one with the target on his back. But, I "could" claim a robust life from hell to live in, punishment is my daily bread, tasteless.
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