Thursday, January 30, 2014
She bounced..."check"... mate.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014
"Inside out.....?"

Tuesday, January 28, 2014
Tasteless: life!

Sunday, January 26, 2014
what stinks?
Saturday, January 25, 2014

You could get in the shower with the water gently touching. You could tell your- self to suspend disbelief and use your imagination seeing and feeling the one you shower with, self. Accept self as you accept "X" as the object to resolve. " I will not do anything that tomorrow has to wake up to. This is "self's" trip. What do I mean? "Dance with the one that brought you." Now step into the shower and enjoy the touch.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Creativity is the force.

Sunday, January 19, 2014
The pill of life....'hope' or 'revenge'.

Saturday, January 18, 2014
Bureaucracy: the prisoner's dilemma.
A title, a story, a picture and somewhere the message evolves from the mixture. Do the three come into confluences as a unified whole or do they conflict with each other as to meaning? Each has its own point of view, yet offers clarity of purpose. For example, does the title describe only the picture, and not the story? Maybe they only tell you something about the author of the story. So that you understand from separate platforms, perspectives. Does the story hold together without title and picture? Is that enough for you to understand purpose? The reason I ask is that it seems that there are many ways in which the situation 'could' be interpreted. For example, the picture was whitewashed over last month along with many other great expressions coming from society's children. These were the children of 5Points. They were expressing the same emotion that they too were being whitewashed by the ruling elite. The picture was their only mark of being; it was whitewashed over by the ruling elite, who snuffed them out. Again and again, this is the way it is. The ruling elite simply whitewashed the graveyard of souls. If you are the prisoner, and it's your dilemma, and the judgement is based upon plea bargaining, than you are guilty until proven innocent; and that road has great hazards along the way because "my prosecutor is a 'rogue.'"
Thursday, January 16, 2014
This is why!
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Silver fox, ...yes it is a state of mind.

Monday, January 13, 2014
...phoenix is rising...
Phoenix, born of the streets and spirit to all, sends her greetings. Senseless waste, as if you can disregard the meaning of life, is how others perceive the felon, unworthy of being even recycled. OK, a quick story: When I was going to school and being tested I needed a #2 pencil and all the answers to the questions. Now, today when being tested, you need a computer which has all the answers. Your test is knowing the right question. I might suggest that you let go of yesterday's pencil when dealing with how to reintegrate felons back into the community. For example, educate the community which spawns the felon and allows its inhabitants access to equal opportunities of all the assets at hand, the opportunities you keep for yourself and relatives, the opportunities that are marked for the special elite in society. Give up the Christan theology of how to do it their way. Accept the fact that the 'elite' who denied the community and its inhabitants the opportunities to thrive are the parents of the problem. Yes! the christian 'elite' and its control on assets and therefore resources created the felon.You become a felon when you fail to support yourself because you infringed upon assets that were not available to you, like food. Yes, food of the mind, opportunities that will allow the brain's pathway to form. Key to this is cortex, the mind's environment, a place to "free the self of old assumptions, to discern previously unseen patterns and to dare, come taste, tap, toy with and discover that which is ours yet your alone." All children need to come from the same whole and not differentiated through dysfunctional hermeneutics grounded in class of 'elites.'
I was taking a walk along the park when I came upon two women, one local and the from Michigan; the visitor was having chagrin because she was leaving tomorrow. I mentioned how wonderful my stay was last September when I was in upper Michigan on Lake Superior. And I asked her why she was sad because Michigan is so enjoyable. I told them how several weeks ago 'Annie,' the play, was in town and "tomorrow" is the signature song. I mentioned to the woman from Michigan that my mother was an "Annie -girl"; she too wished for her -Daddy Warbucks. I think that any "Annie girl" would love to have such a beautiful Charleston day to share with their friends. So I said how lucky we are to have such a beautiful Charleston day, beautiful blue sky, and snow white clouds spicing up are view. I said sing along with Annie tomorrow on your way out of town and make tomorrow your day instead of today. I felt better for the exchange, and I believed they did too for she did say that she was an 'Annie' fan. I think to be an "Annie girl" you have to have been an orphan coming out of a very dysfunctional child care system as was in the turn of the 21st century. And the felon is being processed in the 22nd century as were the orphans of the 21st. As we helped "Annie" and other orphans who had been mistreated by our social justice system of yesteryear. Felons need equality with the group as stated in the 14th amendment of our constitution. Not another whitewash like 5 POINTS in one of NY City's environs.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Friday, January 10, 2014
"Rome" resurrecting its Cast: felon
I felt fear today: he said, "there was a 100% chance that things were going to change"; he said, "stay in la la land." All I can say is that there is no justice against another's underlying 'prejudice.' Also! It came to me that maybe not every one will understand why I'm calling for a felon's union. Please, let's be frank. Until the problem gets political recognition, like a 'minority,' there is no way to fix the problem. For example, there are six million plus felons; if they all joined theblackmarket.me they would become a lobbying power as well. By the way, non-felons can become members as well. I'm looking at the system from the inside, looking out. As a felon out of the 'icicle garden,' I'm out- side looking into the system. There is no pathway for me. Now! If there is no pathway for someone with resources, such as myself, how can the generic felon survive? So! Now! The generic felon is on the road to recidivism. And the federal government pays the state's expenses. The more arrests a police department makes the more federal dollars the government will contribute to maintaining this relationship. You see recidivism works well with the police department. The problem is, it does not work well for the American People. The system has turned in on itself and has produced a cast system. More and more people will be enslaved as unequal to the system. Therefore, in reflection, I hope that you understand that without political power the system will enslave us all. And than only the 'elites' of society will " walk without feet, fly without wings, and think without mind." All the rest of us will, like in the days of Rome, be stoking the fires underneath the streets of Rome as the elites bathe in their bath houses of pleasure.
New world order!
Where are you in the circle of life: Walking up the stairs, or perhaps failing and walking down the stairs? The stairwell is not the 'elite' way of doing things. For example, the government has its own private railway system under the streets of the capital for the elites of government. Think! It is always zero sum, trickling down to you so that all of the twirling and swirling of life belongs to them, the 'elites' of life. Now if we all got off of the stairwell, it would no longer have an effect upon us. We too could become more acquainted with our inner being, enjoying the fruits of our labors fairly with others among all of us. What am I saying? I'm saying that theblackmarket.me wants to be the escalator's stairwell mode of transportation. Helping to get you educated so that you have available to you the resources needed to prevail in this social climate. If you are not of the 'elite' segment of our society, than there is a great chance that in the near future a member of your family could attain 'felon' status; it's an epidemic without a vaccine.
Thursday, January 9, 2014
...the twins... NM & SC...dash of the "rogue" for seasoning.
Why am I asking for your help? And! I will answer that question with a question: Could you fend off the tsunami brought about by the governors of NM & SC as they colluded with 3rd party interest to have me incarcerated. Yes! Money. I have been in recovery for many years now; I still can not come to turns with my situation. All I ask you to do is question the way in which the 'rogue prosecutor' can use the system of justice to critique the law in that direction which best allows for her malfeasance. So I want you to sit on my jury and listen to the evidence. Meanwhile: I'm putting out a paragraph or two each day to set the story straight. I must warn you that the manner in which I express myself is or can be rambling, but, if you read on and persevere I am sure that you brain will percolate up some kind of resolve. Now! You can find me "guilty as charged" or "she fucked him up the ass and than asked the prison population to have their pleasure." Either way! Please join theblackmarket.me and help assist those who are less fortunate to get a better chance for a "lift up in life." The criminal justice system is in trouble because it does not understand that it is the 'brain' and not the 'body' that is being molested in the "Icicle Garden." My 'rogue prosecutor' labeled me a child raper; that you can let sit in your mind's eye...in prison all eyes were on me, please use your imagination. Now! I'm on the street and she has me on her internet 'hit list" sex offenders registry and because of that I have been molested just like in the "Icicle Garden."Welcome to my world.
Life's 'rabbit hole'
Tell me why the system thinks that it has a right to choose how I feel about the way that they eviscerated me. Why the F*** should I be happy that I can not publish a book telling my side of the story and make money off of its publication. No! I'm not allowed to present my case; also there was no evidence presented to the jury to justify my conviction. The testimony given during the trial was prefabricated for personal vindictive reasons which on one but them understand, or money. No matter the reason, those lies are the systems' truths that you have to accept if you are to be believed or given a chance to communicate; it's called rehabilitation. So when you claim that these lies never happened the wall of the 'conviction' prevails. The stories you tell in your defense are seen as dilutions; the system labels felons to restrict their ability to be normal, equal. I'm a felon now; I know that I'm not equal. So why do you think that the system's form of focus should help mold the minds of those of us who cannot be reintegrated into the group? Now in my case the court sentenced me to five years of therapy after I was released from prison; the therapy was based on the lies presented during the trial and all the therapist based their opinions upon me admitting to some thing which did not happen and of cause I never did admit to those lies and so on and so forth for the past 22 years. And you thought Alice was the only one who fell into the 'rabbit hole.' No! The SC prison and judicial system are all thriving under the mushroom's cap buried deep in the bowels of Alice's 'rabbit hole.'
Wednesday, January 8, 2014
I'm hungry!
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
What is my 'role' ? " corruption or role-play
If you want to understand corruption, please be my guest, and take a good look in the mirror. Please take a good long look; please meet "corruption." Yes! Self is the innervating force being formed; it's on its own pathway. Self likes 'corruption.' Corruption is a driving force. The inertia is formed when 'self' and 'corruption' seek confluence. Nothing will get in your way because you are corruptible. And it turns you on to know that others believe that you are consequential. At any give moment in time, you will be occupied with many different roles; each role will rollover in an in and out way, like up & down, in&out, each allowing you access and denying others. Yes! you love the gossip that goes around when it benefits your pathway. Yet! When you see others walking on top of others to advance their way, you admire and admonish your own reflection in the admired action unfurling in your presents. So! Dress so to devour those who do not "role-play."
Monday, January 6, 2014

Sunday, January 5, 2014
Irish Catholic: Black Irish
Boston, MA, 1942 you were considered to be of another race if you were Irish
catholic. When I went through school, they deliberately let me fall through the cracks. They kept a member of my family in the same grade until she was sixteen years old; they never educated her to be anything other than "helplessness." Why? Because her mother attempted suicide and was unsuccessful; leaving her to raise her children with limited knowledge about how society functions including the social sexual environment of those days. The Irish Catholics of Boston, MA were held up in society as being very cultist. The Irish were the dredge of Europe; Bostonians thought about the Irish Catholics as the European's thought about the Gypsy/Roma of Europe. Their religious practices were from the 'dark side.' Secret rituals were thought to be sexual rituals from a lower class of people, Irish Catholic. Another way to understand what I'm trying to suggest is "being a black" child in the South, maybe Charleston, SC, and see how they were deliberately denied equal educational opportunity. The Southern Gate Keepers are still out and about. Just look how they control the incarceration of their state's population. Remembrance: It was the money from the European aristocracy that financed the Southern aristocracy which settled the Southern shores of these united states. Unionize! Stand up and walk away from the way in which you have been tethered like a sheep. www.theblackmarket.me

Saturday, January 4, 2014
Political prisoner

Zero sum: My prosecutor is a 'rogue.'
Thursday, January 2, 2014
They are always 'rogues'.
Without money you can not even 'shit.' Life is the 'stage'! Opportunities are not independent variables but dependent upon another 'variable.' Now! If 'Opportunities' were independent than the playing fields of life would be open to all. But, the gate keepers are in control of those moments of opportunities; they will not allow you access. This has happened to most of the people with whom you may come into contact with, maybe all of those in your family have been a victim of this disparity of 'opportunities.' Never buy into the rhetoric espoused on equality. If 'opportunities' were Christmas gifts nestled under the Christmas tree, a single piece of coal would symbolize your value in the 'depth and breath' of life. The distribution of resources are controlled by the 'gate keeper'; the gate keeper's 'key' does not open your 'lock.'
"Openness is empty if recepitivity is closed."

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