When you are buried alive and without recourse, the world seems to become very cold. To me -personally, I was frigid, frozen in fear. Now there are others who are buried as well and they are even fighting back. Williams was one of those who did his thing in a positive way. As head of the Jaycees he offered an environment of togetherness among his attendees. Even on the yard when he had the Jaycees selling hamburgers, you could see in some of guys that this was "different"; they had a sparkle in their eyes. Now! why am I telling you this? Because this is how he chose to spend his time. You Know! 'Time' as a word, spelled backwards, spells out 'emit,' meaning to give. He was involved with others in a positive and assuring way. When he was resurrected from the "Icicle Garden," he went back to school at C of C and graduated. His basic construct held true and as you might suspect he was involved with others cognizant of their needs. He even represented an air of polished detente with his attempt to being brought back into the fold. But! He was a 'felon' and he had to be kept in place. Yes! The dictates from the political pulpits and society in general just had to persecute him simply because he was being recognized for his contributions. You see, felons need to come together as a financial force and create their own lobbying efforts. Yes: TheBlackMarket.me is that force. And that is why I want to form a more inclusive community.
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