Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Freedom! evil art

"thinking with out mind"

Future's fruit or rot dangles like the stick's carrot.
Now what I am proposing is the construct, "Praxis." In conjunction, TheBlackMarket.me has its sites set upon balancing out their zero-sum principals. Plus the basic idea behind unionizing is the structure itself. Under the 14th amendment we are all equal; we want our civil rights as stated under the Constitution of the US. Remember: I was the teacher when I was in the 'joint.' My job was to help inmates learn to appreciate themselves, and learn the material. And I'm telling you now that unionizing is a recognized pathway for political recognition. You need to coalesce around a more meaningful axis, rather than just hanging out and about by yourself on some table hoping to be picked up by another and used all over again like some kind of bric-a-brac.
Monday, December 30, 2013
...cesspool of cleansing....

Saturday, December 28, 2013
"The Institute of Higher Burnin"
So what do you think? Really! Santa dropped by and told you that there was going to be a redistribution of wealth so that you too could provide for your family as if you were a full member of society riding the 1% wave. Congratulations! You must have won the 'lottery,' did you? No! Well neither did I or anyone else in my neighborhood. OK! You didn't win. So, you are hiding behind the veil of optimism, or did you have an aha moment in which you came to another one of reality's tipping points where you are the tennis ball being battered back and forth between the forces which are controlling your life. And yes, this is why you are rolling another 'joint.' Because it helps to take away the pain of knowing that you are in this situation. The situation of not being able to enjoy your family with the seeming ease that is demonstrated by those who are riding the wave of those who are in the loop. Yes! Because of the mounting pressures that are battering against your quixotic optimism you are choosing to cop-out. May I have a hit off of that 'joint' of yours; thanks.
"Icicle Garden"
Thursday, December 26, 2013
"...Yesterday, it seems so very far away...."
22 years ago the state of SC, in collusion with 'the' rogue prosecutor, entered my world and like the terrorist from afar ran crippling steps through my life. My question to you is a simple one, but not to diminish its effect on your life, have you too been raped by the rogues of law, order and politics? I wish you would share the pain and anguish so that you too can be heard. Together, our stories can reach the pinnacle of distorted corruption which runs through the aristocratic mind set prevailing within the walls of justice. Help to bring down the shroud that they hide behind -law and order. Whose law? Whose order? Whose justice? The 'rogue' prosecutor's; that is who. Yes, the police state prevails hidden deep within the bowels of that shroud. Not the 'shroud' of Jesus, that is for sure. Come follow theblackmarket.me into a new beginning. One that will help marshal and even the odds against their ever corrosive diet -one's humanity. Now! The challenge is buried deep in the interpretations, of their social justice; their principles are rotting. So! (i.e, where do you lay your body down -with the 99% or the rogue 1% of humanity?)
A gift!
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
"Grapes of wrath"

Tuesday, December 24, 2013
"May Yesterday's Dream Be Tomorrow's Memory"
Swimming up stream

Monday, December 23, 2013
'...think without mind...'
Social justice: that is an oxymoron.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013
"To be or not to be...." a felon with out rights.

Remembrance: It's all about the 14th amendment and without its protection you are dandruff on a good man's collar - that is how you are being treated. Or maybe you live in la la land. OK! Think about it as a distribution construct; and if you are a felon, you are denied access under the construct. When you are denied your 14th amendment rights, you are denied access. You are not equal amongst others.
Thursday, December 19, 2013
TheBlackMarket.me It's the 'bad boy's hot-spot'

Wednesday, December 18, 2013
My feminine side

Saturday, December 14, 2013
It is where you find synergy: it's in the crowd.

Thursday, December 12, 2013
666…if it relates to your pain, unionize!
Felons need to leverage their numbers to help shift the balance of power back in their direction; political power is the derivative that produces the force needed to regain a felon's 14th amendment rights. The way to do this is through forming a union to demonstrate to others that our needs need to be put back on the table. Without a conscious effort to reintroduce the felon back into the community, an idea not on the drawing board of most states, it won't happen. My hope for felons, is that you, in conjunction with WWW.theblackmarket.me, commit to self preservation and unionize.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013
You see another as a fool: you see yourself instead.
Never will I be angry again; I will never be angry again - the same words over an over again, and yet, what is being said, its meaning? ...before or after the fact, when did you make this decision? ...what was your frame of mind? I ask because anger is normal; it's your effective response to some retro-flection of your mind's eye. What do I mean, 'you know,' when upon meeting an other you send out some kind of observation, then form that "what-ever;" you set a position. Well, the never part of that "what ever" goes tumbling back upon itself and, weathering its pain, leaves a mark on one's ability to be objective. You see another as a fool; you see your self instead.
Interlect does not run along the "y." It's a double "x'x'" lie.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Ideation needs action to spawn fruition

Wednesday, December 4, 2013
"Theater of the absurd"

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
14th amendment: "equal treatment to all" And only as a 2nd thought, I'm listed as '666' in the sheriff's office.
Monday, December 2, 2013
What do I propose?
A "think-tank" to help address the needs of this 'convergence.' What I'm asking the felon to do is quite simple, support your future. Every day the "system" produces new felons into the ever bloating morass of social dysfunction. When I was in the 'joint,' they called me: Library Man. And all felons know who the library-man is. He touches each inmate in his own way. As for me, I was a member of the 'cookie-crumb', and therefore, I tutored for all subjects. I hung out in the school, 24/7. My primary job was to help the inmate to understand the material so that he could pass the test. Now, the longer the inmate could stay in school, well than, he had a system for reducing his incarceration, good-time and school-credit. As for my self, I maxed out all systems and went zero-sum with time. Meaning: I served the absolute minimum time for my sentence. A 'Union' is but a 'Partition' stating a grievance against its social contract. They, the "Power Barons" pay a tenth 1/10 to their church. You could pay a tenth, 1/10 too. It just depends on you, for you are zero "0" at the moment, without union. Fund the "think-tank" with dues and you will be able to influence the 'system' to better meet your needs. 'They' are keeping 'the common-good' away from you. 'They' are manipulating resources so that you are not eligible for them. 'They' read "the prince" by Machiavelli. 'They' understood. So now, know your terrain. Unionize!
Sunday, December 1, 2013
'the meaning of being'

Thursday, November 28, 2013

P.S. ...if you are a felon and you do not join "theblackmarket.me" in this endeavor, well than, shame on you.
Saturday, November 16, 2013
So you ask, "How did I
get to 22 Bennett Street, Charleston, SC?" Well the simple answer is "Timmy." I met Timmy when I was in prison in South Carolina. Now he was on a mission. His mission was to find an innocent man and help him. I was Timmy's innocent man. Timmy got that idea from the inmate's grapevine. As in, "I heard it on the grapevine," by Marvin Gay. I was on my way to Charleston Southern by way of the Baptist College. Timmy put me up, for my first month of freedom, on Folly beach at the Folly-beach-inn. Meanwhile, the police from Myrtle Beach are looking for me on the Baptist College's campus for probation violations. Instead, they found a young man with big time clout, and they harassed him because his name was Thomas F. Smith, the same as mine, except that his daddy owns a large food chain. So now, because of the probation department's methodological principles, the Baptist College decided that they were no longer going to keep their commitment to me meaning, no scholarship. This was told to me by the College's representative to the State Prison system. Back to Timmy and 22 Bennett St. Vicky controlled the property as had her mother before her but they never owned the property. And when Vicky was a young woman she fell in love with a young man. Yet, they did not marry. Anyway, she still loved him, and when he married another, and had a son she felt that his son was her son too. Love and its strange transference. Timmy was that son.
Friday, November 15, 2013

My stain is a conspiracy of "lies" convoluted in the moments of collusion. "Lies" once unfurled, "like a bell rung," are recorded in the fabric of the "lies." (i.e., cancer to the cell....It's always ringing, never solipsistic. Think about it; "it's its it." Felon: Cast. You are no longer a citizen of the State. You are no longer one of use. You are not recognized, inconsequential to the State. Because ... you are not organized. Come to my platform and ..."lay your story down."

WWW.YOUREASYSIDE.ME "YES" is my nick name. I will be coming on line in the near future, along with #11 other brothers and sisters. We are a family of "WWW." We are here for you to use. We want to help you make money. We have resources and we want to do business with you. But first you must become a member and ...
"lay your story down.""Why!" you ask. Well, because you need to see where you fit in the larger picture. You know! "...to thy own self be true..." So, that means getting a second opinion from Debby's Corner.
Thursday, November 14, 2013
Imagine if you would, just for the moment, that you entered into the world of "tant-twan-asi," loosely translated it means -the other times me. Please allow your mind to explore its unseen patterns. Those ideas that get under your skin because the general idea of it does not have a sacred corridor in your mind's eye. Share "self" with "self" so that there can be a context to unfurl between one and another. The unionized felon's stage is set to assist in its members entrepreneurial needs.There is a new site coming on line in the near future: http://wwwHomeOfficeIncubator.me; it will be operated through the union. Union members will be able to financially invest in these new endeavors, putting their discretionary funds to work on their behalf. This way the union member sees the assurance to the union's insurance that when he/she participates with like-minded members, their financial needs are met. This is not a new idea for me. Back in March of 1981, I was meeting with the A.F.L. / C.I.O. legal council, John Fx Davoren and "Tip" O'Neill, Speaker of the House, in Washington,D.C. This was also the beginning of the end of my career in "Boston." "Boston Blacky," mentored by Bernard T. Golden. They were going to invest union money in developing Interval-ownership properties so that trade unions could create "jobs" for their members and assure the member's family a vacation each and every year.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
How do you win when you are the "tennis- ball"? New Mexico slams you across the "net" to South Carolina. "They" enslave you: felon. As they say in the "comics:" New-World-Order. Using the Scarlet Letter model, today's letter is F for Felon; the sixth letter of the alphabet, 666 etc. It's its it.
They say that that makes me the "devil."

Saturday, October 26, 2013
I'm a 1957 Chevy, you know! I was born in 1942, meaning that, I was 15 years old, like you; the only difference is the cohort that spawned us.
"Today" appears every day: we dance to different music. When I was fifteen, you could find me in one of those "titty-bars" on Tremont St. -downtown Boston- in the 'combat-zone' where the girls were as sweet as the trumpeter's cheeks just blowing on that Horn.
You came onto the scene in 1989 - the same year that I entered the "Icicle Garden." In 2004, you too were searching for something sweet. Well, the thing is this, like hindsight, how is this catch-22 phase working out -something sweet?
As for me, the train never leaves the station, "The Icicle Garden." That is where they stamp your passport: Land of-the-felon, society's untouchable.
"Today" appears every day: we dance to different music. When I was fifteen, you could find me in one of those "titty-bars" on Tremont St. -downtown Boston- in the 'combat-zone' where the girls were as sweet as the trumpeter's cheeks just blowing on that Horn.
You came onto the scene in 1989 - the same year that I entered the "Icicle Garden." In 2004, you too were searching for something sweet. Well, the thing is this, like hindsight, how is this catch-22 phase working out -something sweet?
As for me, the train never leaves the station, "The Icicle Garden." That is where they stamp your passport: Land of-the-felon, society's untouchable.
Friday, October 25, 2013
Hair, which is dead, coming from your head is glorified and held aloft to be aspired to. There is real life all around you, and this - to you - is inconsequential. How do I look?
Looking into the mirror focusing my eyes; "image" focusing back on me. A candle's light flowing through the mirror's many interpretations by the mirror's observer. Interpretation shifting as the candle's light fades back into the mirror's perimeter.
The only light to be reflected in the mirror is the light from the candle. The rest of the room is all sealed off from outside light. You're in the death cave and you are raising the dead images from your past reflection of yourself.
The image is appearing like a slide show on your computer's screen. The reflection of my body's image flashes across the memory of my mind from old to young.
Looking into the mirror focusing my eyes; "image" focusing back on me. A candle's light flowing through the mirror's many interpretations by the mirror's observer. Interpretation shifting as the candle's light fades back into the mirror's perimeter.
The only light to be reflected in the mirror is the light from the candle. The rest of the room is all sealed off from outside light. You're in the death cave and you are raising the dead images from your past reflection of yourself.
The image is appearing like a slide show on your computer's screen. The reflection of my body's image flashes across the memory of my mind from old to young.
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