Give me a break, You Know!, I'm the one who got a dick up his ass; This is not about the money. This is about "how it was orchestrated." For example, how did a judge in a small town end up with two warrants issued by the Governors of the States NC & SC? Yes, both warrants were served on the same day, according to the presiding judge in Carrizozo, NM. Now! This could be just a coincidence, or it could be collusion on the part of corrupt politicians, as well as power elites, such as those who collided with my position on Pecos Valley Christian College. So, as far as I'm concerned, I was kidnapped. I was emotionally tortured by the State's ultimate power to bring forces to bear upon an individual to such a degree that it renders you impotent. God I must be dumb & That is why I do not believe. For I witnessed first hand that in the game of life, we are not all equal under the law; but, under the political power behind its fiction, "thank you Jesus." As well as, follow the money behind the scene. Therefore, one could stretch their mind's eye to conclude that maybe I'm a "political prisoner" without rights. Anyway, like Jesus who got a crown of thorns as he was being tortured on the cross by the Roman army, felons get the crown of "razor wire" to shred their souls as they are mentally raped/tortured by the forces of the criminal justice system. What do you think?