Thursday, December 15, 2016
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
...point of view...

I think of Shakespeare as a metaphor to my "Memoir," which is unfurling on today's stage. My blog: ...the black This is where I tell my side of the story of my life, from my point of view. I'm the kid who shined shoes at the corner barber shop. Ran groceries at the A&P on moody street. It's no longer there. Eaten up by eCommerce's way of capitalizing its range & domain over food production; for, the world's stage of consumption. This is me in all of my complicity offering up to you my opinion about life in my "world." Yes! For sure! You too are just as unique as I am; that is to say, you bring to the table those experiences you encountered with others, like yourself; realizing that they too are different. We are all different, but as said by one of the Masters,"...yet part of the man is an Island unto himself...." For example, I feel compassion for the Don in Narco. He did what he did because he was formatted as is said. His lessons in life came out of poverty. His socialization propelled him out of poverty, financial poverty; not social poverty. You can -if you tried too- see it through his -point of view. Rules of the road or street, it's your willingness to surrender your disbelief; this is said by mentors to the Arts. You Know! enjoy the movie as a willing participant, not as a critic. Remembering a toxic home in a toxic environment creates toxicity. Pablo was a product of poverty. It taught him how to survive and progress because he was one of them; he was a product of the elite's; they ruled with a police state attitude; it directed his actions in-turn this education, O.J.T on the job training. he got their version of Ragan's "trickle down hypothesis." eCommerce the Colombian way. this is where he clashed, not fit in with the elites. Side bar: it was the 'consumers' of his services which governed his entrepreneurial dreams of being a Colombian Don. Pablo's cocaine. As you know, guns do not kill, people kill.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
...No ...fear...!
Let's learn a lesson about size: in nature, it's always readiness. Size is in the 'eye' of fear; but if you open up your ears and listen, you will find that the 4F's cast a much wider range. For finding, feeling, frolicking & forgetting is a way of communicating among the inhabitants of the forest, its fauna. Now! The Donald, according to the Cuban: His size is small all over accept in adulation of self. There he is -off the charts- according to Rubio. This is why the inhabitants in his forest are thronging over him like it's their first beer of the day. His "light" reads "walk- with -light" just like the light on the corner guiding you away from the oncoming traffic. Yet the Donald's charm only rings true on the top of the 'food chain.' Therein lies the conundrum; for Donald flies with the eagles; you are his prey. As for me, and this little 'guy' in the photo- he was sunning & I was taking his picture in my backyard this morning. Now some mornings it's a rattler out & about in the yard. Yes! rattle snake or maybe a copper head or two wanting to have their way with me. You know, you have to listen for its tail to start shaking out its warning to strike. Now, listen for The Donald's 'tail', not his tale of making America great again; but he will take a bite out of your destiny so that he can dance with Putin on the World's stage of titans, oligarchs & eCommerce.
Monday, September 12, 2016
Some of us are always looking for redemption. Well: This is my redemption, my new "stage" upon which I will try to understand why I do not understand. Yes! Psychobabble for sure because the idea always comes first: My new deck, the one in the photo. This is where I will sit in remembrance. First off, let me tell you that it was Pappy's expertise guiding those (21)twenty one working hours to just finish building this deck; offering it up in honor of the master, Shakespeare's mind set, "...all the world is a stage..." yes! This is a stage of 'happiness' for those who visit Butterfly's Retreat. Sitting there listening to the brook as it passes through the trees, making magical notes to assure their stay is a pleasant one. OK! I know that the deck hasn't been trimmed out. Because there is a guest in occupancy. Right! Someone is visiting at Butterfly's Retreat; so when they leave, Pappy and yours truly will trim out the stage, dress the deck. For sure! I promise. Now! The decorations will be up to Butterfly; these she will undoubtedly be using for some thing esoteric in nature, or maybe nurture, sort of ways. I do believe though that I'm most likely going to use rope to intertwine the seven(7) standing posts surrounding the deck. But I have not decided how. For example, I could bore a hole through the post, string the rope through the hole in the post to the next post's hole, on and on through the seven(7) posts; or maybe forge some rode-iron fixtures with eyelets to cap the poles; therefore allowing the rope to go through the cap's eyelet from hole to hole as the story goes..."as, has been said, "any old port in the storm." Let me explain, my wish for you is love & a mind full of imagination; maybe with a little bit of mischief on the side, who knows how this is to unfurl in the future of tomorrow's tomorrow. As for today, I'm baptizing my deck, its stage, in the adage of "may yesterday's dream be tomorrow's memory" because your visit was appreciated by those who were surrounding you.
Tuesday, August 9, 2016
...Up or Down Tomorow's staircase?
You & me are both tethered to the oar as was the slave in the day's of Roman battle ships unfurling along the Mediterranean, ground zero. Rome. Yes! The new Rome is eCommerce and her winds can be felt in the same game of Banking. It's all about banking today as it was all about oil yesterday, "may Yesterday's dream be Tomorrow's memory." Another way of looking at is through Mussolini's eyes. The commander of Rome's place on the Mediterranean. He took all the land & people of Italy' s Rome, Freeing the church. The church got the right to be an independent Actor on the World's stage. The church therefore became the independent country on the Mediterranean offering off shore banking to eCommerce, Roman style. Side Bar: When the church of Rome was opened up by Pope Francis it was revealed that the church had learned how to leverage its assets by owning more than 11,000 rental properties in London England. The church took back more than Henry VIII took from the Church during his rein; Yes! It's all tax free too. You can believe this or not, but the Wealth of the USA is also passed tax free through Family Trusts, all brought about by eCommerce influencing government by paying off its representatives through influencing their vote on matters which affect eCommerce's confluence through out society's mad need to consume eCommerce, consumption. This is what we eat on a daily basses. So! Please. Now! you need to pay attention to the political conditions that are in
play today between Trump, Rome's transplant and Hillary's convergence in society. Think of it this way: the population as a whole has a government to which they acquiesce. Their acquiescence is to the Constitution which is a set of laws to govern the people. This government has three branches: president,
judicial, congress. eCommerce is outside of government. Government needs
eCommerce to stay afloat; this is through legislation. Don't confuse
the two, government has compassion, morality- where eCommerce is
soulless as it should be because good business is where it is a win-win deal for the participants involved. Good business is never a one
time thing. Politics is always played out locally. eCommerce is also the
funding machine behind D.C. politics as it was in the day's of Rome. Bottom line: Tax eCommerce and
deposit it into the local bank where it can be used to leverage up its
citizens so as to establish a base for future generations.
Monday, August 8, 2016
...your choice...!
The town I came out of had a bank that could not lend money outside of its local range & domain. Now! Today the bank in my town has nothing in common with any specific range or domain because it can distribute its resources wherever it feels it is safe to do so. For example, in the old days of banking, before Washington was bought off by major industry, if I deposited money in the local bank then someone else from my community could leverage themselves by using my deposit, investing in the community as a whole. But! Today when I deposit that money in the bank someone from outside of my community could leverage it, leaving my community empty handed. This is why the elite 1% of the USA is controlling 99% of the wealth of the USA. It is unhealthy for the community as a whole to have such a disparity in its wealth because democracy depends upon its citizens sharing in its future; otherwise, it is going to turn in on itself, imploding to where the masses will rise and rebel. This would be primitive. Sidebar: Please allow the idea to take hold before you shun it. OK! Hillary is the local bank in the USA political community; this is your political community. She is the depository of the last 30 years in your political community. So, if you turn her into the local bank she will know how to deal with your needs, you being the elected official representing the community in Washington. Other wise, you can turn the Donald into the community's local bank; but unfortunately no one has been depositing their concerns into Donald's bank for the past 30 years. Donald does not know the "locals" because he has been everywhere else in the universe developing his wealth. Yes! He has a wealth of dollars in his bank; yet, none of it came from one of your deposits. Whereas, Hillary has a history of depositing social programs into your local bank so that you could capitalize upon it. She knows the back waters which oscillate & undulate throughout Washington. Anyway, it is said that all politics is local. Till the Bank known as Hillary and watch your garden grow. Yes! I stole the idea from Candide, where it ends with "tending one's own garden." The local bank is the way to go if you want the larger community to be played upon as a level playing field.
Sunday, August 7, 2016 to interpretation...!
It's your "high" so enjoy it. Stop using up time as if it were infinite. Remembrance:"the thought must come first:" "I think, therefore I am" the way it was proposed during the European Enlightenment of 18th century or there about. OK! Today we are in the -slicer & dicer- because we allowed the wealth of today, yesterday & tomorrow to pass from one generation to the next generation without paying any tax on it.Yes! This is why the top .oo1% of your population has all of the wealth in the USA. For example, if you gave the Inheritance Trust"s derivatives enough time to abate their shock, so that the economy will not suffer extreme upheaval, the economy could solve the future imbalance between the various class distinctions in today's society. This construct could, if give validity by way of "political" adaptation, pass on the American dream to the future children coming out of a new and invigorated school system as was seen in my generation because of the G.I. Bill. Education was in every household because the veterans were returning home from the war, WWII. Parents were learning right along with their children. The returning vets had a future because the war was over there; it was not here, USA. The US economy was booming because Europe had devastated itself with two wars -1917 until 1945; it needed everything that we could manufacture. Now! IT is different today. China, Russia, & Iran are forming a new "trilateral commission" dedicated to banking and free commerce outside of USA influence. India, Australia, Japan and maybe the USA are looking at forming their own union to help save their way of eCommerce. But the USA has political problems; it is made up of a society which in being torn apart as if it were forming a caste system as once seen in the old world. Sort of like SC and its old world Aristocracy. The worst school system in the USA. In my world we thought that we were in the center of our universe; whereas you and your future are seeming to be in the outskirts looking in, instead of echos of the past.
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
...the corner.

Saturday, July 2, 2016
Moody Street

Well! Maybe meeting Bert, when I was selling shoes for one of the leading department stores on Moody Street, was also a mind altering experience. I'll tell you about Bert on another occasion because he gave me respect. Everybody else wanted to use me or my body. Bert wanted to use my mind. I loved Bert.
Saturday, June 25, 2016
Help!...listen to the Beatles....

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Monday, February 1, 2016
"...lily white prejudice...."

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Wednesday, January 13, 2016
"...It's only a paper moon..."
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
..."play it again, Sam...."

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