I have a blog called the BlackMarket.Me. This is where I conduct my thoughts. Yes! Each day to at least five times a week I compose a line or two to my diary. So it is made up of three components: title, picture, and dialogue. Sometimes, you will find that the influence of these are out of wack. Yes! This is daily meditation, psychobabble! But they come from the same source - therapy sessions! SO each title, picture or dialogue are to be seen as independent contributors to the compositions like syncopation. Also there is the trial - the dialogue put out by the State - their testimony, their perjury. You can also join with me to form this labor union because it is all about "JOBS." www.TheBlackMarket.me "The Iciclegarden" is where you make your mark.
Reflection: It might help others to process their own dilemma through understanding my dilemma. This is why I am throwing my story into the mix. I never click in; I just float by This is how it is. It is a thing about who is in control? The individual or the State? In my case, it is the State. It is an issue about labor; the State controls Labor. This is why I need a union. Unions have the power of arbitration. This is what I need; I need to bring the State to arbitration. I want to document my case with the State's documents -full disclosure. The State is dysfunctional because it is frigid except to corruption - the State's function is one of elitism, social power held by religious superstitions, formal as well as informal tendencies.