"the icicle garden"

is a "flag" unfurling in the minds of those who have been inculcated
with a dysfunctional operating system. Because if the Middle East was a
bottom -up operation, politics would be local; there would be 'jobs.'
There would be hope for a future filled with promise. But no, there are
no 'jobs.' What they have are 'positions' because the Middle East is a
top-down system for distributing resources. The future belongs to the
ruling elites; all others will be served in their afterlife. The whole
of the old Ottoman's empire is a dysfunctional prison managed by
misinterpretations from its basic hermeneutics - meaning the study of
the interpretations of the text -the Koran. So each prison has its own
operating system which is unique to its facility. Power is distributed
throughout the facility between the guards and the inmates as well as
between the guard and his or her self best interest so as to advance up
the "food chain." If you want to understand prison, all you have to do
is look to the Middle East; its battle over good and evil; its battle
between Church & State. Observe how its power assesses its
allegiances to its various interests. The Middle East is as convoluted
as any prison where the resources are so unevenly distributed. The
people of the Middle East have been ruled by the Western Powers ever
since the end of the Ottoman Empire; they have been betrayed by those
with political power ruling as puppet regimes doing the bidding for the
Western interests. The Middle East as a facility serves its members as a
prison serves its inmates, with obfuscation of messages. The power elites
live in their own mind's eye of what nobody can truly discern; so their
beliefs are as frigid as a marriage without love, unless their marriage
is of convenience, such as not being able to recant your belief because
it is punishable by death. This is a future's derivative promising
eternal light, walking without steps because the light is flying through
your veins as your mind unfurls answers for questions not asked because
the answers are not always in the #number two pencil. Yes! The Middle
East is living and operating in the world of the #2pencil. These inmates
are locked up in a time warp predicated upon 11th century parables.
This is their "red -line;" there are exceptions: different Califs had
their own followers such as the 7ers or maybe 9ers who followed the
interpretations stemming from the Caliphate. Yes! By their construct of
the 1100's - This is when the Shir locked up their future use of
parables, no new parables will be added to the mix. Now in the Middle
East, the Sunni tribe always held the governing side of the equation;
Shia ruled the Koran, their holy bible. For example, the Sunni ruled
the body in this life. The life of today; the Shia ruled in the
hereafter. Yes! They too have a strange urban legend where if you die in
an act of sacrificing for the light on the other side, you will be
given four wives to help keep you in the light. Me-too! I had a
dysfunctional operating system; I ended up in prison; prison is where
the inmate is radicalized. Believe me, you can trust me on this one
thing -when there is no hope of redemption other than that of spewing
out the beliefs of those who only 'mouth' the words while dancing with
temptation reserved for their eyes only, -there will be a revolution of the masses because there is no environment of
tranquility to be found within the confines of these walls which stifle one's aspirations. That is unless you
are a natural born 'cock' sucker. Life is all about working out your
talents while working with others, going beyond family of origin. Yes!
Life is supposed to be all about participating with the herd, not cut
out and branded with a number designating life's shit is coming your
way. ISIS is farming the crop of young people who are coming over to
them in waves because they are escaping the prison waiting for them. Those of the
Middle East are sick of being the recipient of a frontal lobotomy. www.theblackmarket.me