Saturday, August 30, 2014
Monday, August 25, 2014
Never! no.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
Water "sports!"

Thursday, August 21, 2014
Innocence Project
Sunday, August 17, 2014
"La La" land.

Saturday, August 16, 2014
OK! Let's get with the "program" - this is what she said to me because I was in the habit of using the word, "should." It would tear her a new asshole because in her mind it was being disrespectful for she preferred the word "could." She "could" do this or that or any other thing that she so desired; but by no way other than fucking hell was I or anyone one else going to tell her she "should" do anything. You Know! For me it had been a life time thing to say "should" if I thought it was consequential. One day she broke down and told me the story behind her anger: One day while out riding on the back of a motorcycle the guy pulled over on a dirt road and put her through the "should" program and she ended up giving him a blow job. This was now a "metaphor" that floated around the game of our love play; she would go from heaven to hell instantly upon hearing the bedeviled tone coming out of my mind's tongue, "Victoria you "should"...; before I had the chance to kick myself in the ass she was getting out her "strap-on;" through the process of "pegging" my ass, I was going to get a taste of her fucking revenge. So yes, I came to the conclusion that if there was ever going to be any kind of a compromise, I was going to have to become just another one of her disciples. Anyway, our relationship ended rather abruptly, when she came home from a hard day's work I presented her with my wonderful new experience of traveling through space. Yes! This is what I believe happened on that day of mediation. She would go to work; I would go into my man cave; light a candle placing it at the base of my mirror of reflection where I would relax the frames of my mind, thereby giving me back my spent yesterdays. She thought I was talking about astral projection; but no I told her that while I was out and about on my afternoon walk in the park that I stepped off of the curb and ended up by stepping onto the street up the block. Yes! she attributed it to me doing "drugs" and only hallucinating. I said, "No! it is all because of you; you are such a wonderful source of energy." Than we got into this argument about her "energy" -meaning when she leaves the house she leaves behind a most juicy energy; "it fires me up," I said. This is where I fucked up: I told her that I got along better with her "afterglow" of energy than I did with her when she was home. Anyway! She kicked me out of the house and told me to go back to the beach and hang out with the rest of the broken "pieces" of shells.
Friday, August 15, 2014
Marvin's "tulip"
"What is going to be with you Tom?" I do not know why he said it. This is what Marvin would say to me all the time; I was Marvin's "gentile," every one had to have one in their crowd; so, I was Marvin's; he could always say, "you see I know one," there I would be the country "mouse" visiting the city "rat." His heart was in the right place; it's his ego that I would question. Why did he have to waste his time bringing me into his world view. I was happy being the Irish dude from the suburbs. You Know! The country mouse visiting the city rat. What can I say Marvin was from the city. Yes! Marvin was a Jew from Boston, Ma. Now Boston is a great town, "little city" by the bay. I should tell you how I met Marvin, I just got out of the military service; it was 1968, March. I moved back to my mother's 4 family apartment building in Waltham, Ma. So, on the first morning of my new civilian life I woke up to Marvin pitching my mother on aluminum siding for the outside of her property. That is right; Marvin was an aluminum siding sales man; to be honest he did own the franchise for Boston and its environs. So, he had a job. I was going back to school on the G.I. Bill, Boston University to be exact. I also had a wife for a very short period of time, when she realized that I was not what she thought I was while I was in the employment of the U.S. government, living with her in Paris, France she decided to do what every young girl from her generation would do, she ran off with the first guy who came around and corner and said to her, I'll be your Sir Walter Raleigh. Now! In her case, the little prick was my brother; you know the song "he's not heavy, he's my brother"- well yes he did me the favor of a life time, he ran off with her. Anyway, back to Marvin and his neurotic ways. He once told me that when he had a girl over visiting at his apartment and he had to take a piss he would first fill the toilet bowl up with toilet tissue so that she would not hear him pissing in the bowl. Can you believe that fucking "turkey," he was wondering what was going to happen with me and all the time he is filling up his toilet bowl with tissues so that some "young thing" would not believe that he pissed out of the head of his foolish looking penis.
I must tell you this because you are there to listen: I went to prison for a crime that is based on perjured testimony of two women; anyway, while I was in the joint I started to lose control; my brain started to shut down as a defensive mechanism. When I got out of prison I had 5years of probation to attend, as well as 5 years of psychological therapy. This therapy was based upon the perjured testimony of two women who I believe testified for financial gain; but I had to attend weekly meeting based upon becoming to grips with the "truth," that the perjured testimony was all in my mind's eye of "denial." By the time the 5 years were over I had attempted suicide once because the system was torturing me mentally. For example, I was deemed so far gone that my "college loans" were forgiven by the U.S. government. Yes! I got so hooked on the perversion of sexual therapy because it was force fed to me by the state of SC each day until I became "bulimic" with it. Yes! They wanted me to confess to their lies as if the "perjured" testimony were true. What fucking ass holes! Anyway that is why I am a Craigslist junky; that is right -Craigslist is my psychological therapy of the day; it's perverse when you want it to be perverse just like those 5 years that the state of SC forced me to attend. Now for the meat of the matter: my many friends on "Facebook" are much more interesting than the dilettantes perusing Craigslist, anyway. My Facebook page dishes up the most wonderful smorgasbord of goodies; my friends feed me with their distorted sense of mental masturbation. Yes! My brain is in love with this trashy side of itself. I'm not really sure what that says about about my friends on "Facebook;" maybe it's their craziness or their sanity whichever, I am on the wave somewhere in between the two riding the winds that touch their souls as they crash along with one another. This is my caravan. This is my song: " two lost souls on the highway of life:" "Facebook" & "Craigslist"
Thursday, August 14, 2014
de...cision, Cut Off!

"Castration" or "Guillotined!"
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
shell "game"
It does not help to hold anything back because, if you do, what you are doing is stacking the deck against yourself. You want everything on the "table" or access to it. This is how you stay connected within and balanced through out life; if only you could be your very own "worm hole" inside of your brain's internal "internet." That way you could "skip" across the WWW's as a note "skips" along the scale. Bring about your own personal "port hole" into the WWW's inner possibilities. I just love the idea of being able to "worm hole" my "port hole." If you can suspend your disbelief, foster a more theatrical presence, you would become blessed by the natural way of its functioning. You would be integrated with what Jung referred to as archetypes: Your very own constellation of planets in the heavens representing your understanding of time in space. Probability is based upon a given fractional relationship to the whole. Holding something off of the table miscues this relationship into a false sense of understanding the situation: rightly, wrongly or some where in between. For example, when you incur a countenance so that others can follow, you will be helping to facilitation the direction being taken by others; therefore the group's harmony will ring out from its "sweet spot." You see what I mean about not taking anything off of the table? Because if you do, then life is no longer a personal journey between you and nature's offerings. Now the exception to the rule- there is always and exception to the rule- is that others are not allowed on your table unless they have been invited because they add something to the mix. Life is full of detractors so keep your table clear of the extraneous "pack rat" tendencies which live in the recesses of your fears.
Monday, August 11, 2014

Sunday, August 10, 2014
Morning's "high"

the pirate! & the D.A.!

Saturday, August 9, 2014
"Closet" is where you keep stuff that needs a place to hide; you do not belong in the "closet" & neither do I. But here I am in the "closet" of shame because the state of SC is shameful in the way its administers its laws. The law is subjugated to the "elite's" wishes as was in my case, but they will also eat themselves up -other elites- just as well as dine on any carcass that suits their standing within their hierarchy. I hope for your sake that you are well established in some family structure or social structure that has roots in the political morass of your community. Otherwise, you could be on your way to becoming a "felon" if you live in my state, SC. - the state that claims the "holy city" as their own, Charleston. The only problem is that it is not a "shining city" on the hill, but a pirate's port along the east coast of the U.S. which has traded in "slavery" in one form or another from its beginnings only today the slave trading is done through the justice system couched in an environment of Southern Aristocracy. I believe that they get away with it because they are non-believers. Yes! They pretend to be civilized when they let you out of the "closet" that you are occupying. It could be that, just like the "felon" is locked up for 23 hours a day, you too are locked up in some closet in your mind's eye, there shaking in your skin over how you are going to make it from pay check to pay check when you do not see any relief on any of the horizons in your future. So, yes, you fall into lockstep with the rest of the community as the "elites" of your society dine on their privileged "opportunities." For example, the masses of today have a greater chance of returning into poverty than their previous generation, their parents generation. Income for the masses has gone down while the income of the "elites" has gone up at a greater rate than any other time in history. You are taking it up the ass just like the 'felon" in prison, only the "felon" is struggling as you seem to be spreading your cheeks for a deeper penetration. Come follow me to the "titty bar along the sea" where you can dream for a better day tomorrow. OK! "May Yesterday's Dream be Tomorrow's memory;" another way to put it is to have a good day today. It is your day to dream.
Friday, August 8, 2014
I.S.I.S is!
It is all about turning yourself inside out: It is 12:22; it's reality time. You "blank" out because of a condition called "response cost," -how long it takes you to respond to an impromptu stimulus. It has to do with time. Think about it this way: by seeing another you can see how you displace space; time has to do with how you occupy that space that you displaced. Consciousness! Being in the moment from "moment to moment" as your brain engages your mind to carry out the desired effect. For example, I was watching an interview on TV about tennis; it was said that when Jimmy corners is engaged in a tennis match, by the time that his opponents tennis ball is passing over the net, he see it as if it were a basketball. He has no "response cost" because he is in the moment of the "match." As for me, the ball gets smaller and harder to engage. O.K. I'm not a tennis player, just using it as a metaphor to help you see what I mean. What does it take for you to get engaged with life? This is your "response cost." Because by the nature of being you, you being a herd animal- your brain is wired to engage other members of the herd. In sales, it is an effective tool to respond in the "take away style" meaning each time the expected positive response is expected you get a negative response therefore shaping the direction of the outcome. So, the sales person who says to the client, by their actions, is saying you have to proved that you are deserving before you are allowed to participate in the purchase. The other end of the spectrum is when the sales person "pukes" all over you with lots of respect to the point that your not sure if you are being seduced or canonized, most likely cannibalized. Now the reason that I'm saying what I'm saying is quite simple: once the moment goes by, it is no longer yours to use. Its inverse is holding onto the "get out of jail" card because you want immediate relief; also, the proverb which says, "and this to will pass" -accept your life. I say accept life for what it is- an jump on board and take a walk on the "board walk." And we all know that if you spell the word time backwards it is "emit" which means "give." Yes! Giving of yourself is the meaning of life, the "take away" is just growing old and dying.
Thursday, August 7, 2014
Today's query.
The space in between the "cracks" is where it is at. Think about it this way: life is in between the cracks of differences that exist between us; yes, this is our arena. It is like being a "cookie crumb "for me because when I was in prison,"the icicle garden," I was a member of the "cookie crumbs." The "joint" is a place in between a "rock & a hard place." You know, the "crack" in between the spaces. Cook was his name; he was the "position;" his way counted when it came to the school house of higher learning, behind the bars, inside of the "icicle garden." I lived off of those crumbs because he held his own range and domain up against the "Dull Lyres;" these were the forces of evil within the belly of the beast. It was "them" against "us" because Cookie counted. For example, one of the female guards had it in for me because she felt that I was disrespecting her authority; for, as she saw it, I was the inmate; she was the officer in charge. But what I saw was a woman who enjoyed having smock blown up her ass hole by the "he/she" who hung out in the library which was my territory. She was the guard who sat outside of the library's door on her fat ass and talked about how wonderful her second lieutenant son was doing while all these inmates were trash. She got me fired and tried to get me suspended so that I would lose my standing keeping me in prison even longer. But Cook created a new position for me so that I would not lose my standing which allowed me to get out of the fucking joint at the most advantageous, or quickest, date. I had my sentence cut in half because I was able to work every day that I spent behind bars; the irony is that since I have been out of prison I have not been able to work because of the stigma of being shunned by the church. The church is such a fucking hypocrisy, for the church is the body of its members; how can the members of the church throw stones when their own deeds are more vile? "Ridgeville Soldiers Works" was the name of the new project for the inmates to peruse. We created little confederate soldier out of lead, then painted them in the colors of different regiments like the 54th Massachusetts, a colored unit that attacked Charleston, SC. during the war between the states and whipped up on her ass. Now! I am hoping that this helps you fill in between the so called cracks so that you too can realize how corrupting the differences between us has become.
Why not...?
If it is true, why would you choose to give the "authority" to only 20% of the population -Shia- which then has the power over 80% of the population, Sunni. This "could" have come out of the structural mirror of the U.S., 20% elites and 80% slaves followed by the untouchable felon population. Now, if you do not do something to reach those who are more in need for intervention than you are perpetuating the symptoms which create the self fulfilling prophecy, growing up to be a felon. They're living in a tenuous environment which fosters reckless spending sending them downward into a spiraling need which is couched as the child's "profligacy." Why do you want to blame the poor for being poor when it is you who is enslaving their opportunities. Liberating the blacks of Africa through opportunities -manufacturing for US corporations; while, you enslave the blacks of America through the criminal justice system. For example, the criminal justice system processes 11 million people each year through their jails and prisons farming out felons to feed into the belly of the "beast." You do not need the cheap labor coming over the border like in the good old days - the day when cheap Mexican labor would come across the border and inter the service industry. Now your felon population is growing and they can fill the jobs that used to be for foreign labor; you know -south of the border down Mexico way. Just maybe you should think about -what if? When you gave the Shia all that authority in Iraq you split up the Middle East to such forces as ISIS which is a Sunni movement of radicals which did not exist before you stepped in and fucked up Iraq. Now your 20% Shia are only in control of the U.S. position, that is sick. Because of the U.S. intervention in the Middle East both countries, Syria & Iraq, are rupturing and in control of the Sunni radicals. So, what do you think could happen when 80% of the U.S. population is on target to becoming felons. There are so many Federal laws on the books today that a prosecutor could arrest any citizen they so chose to and create a new felon. This is the power of the "prosecutor" because they can threaten you with outlandish charges like they did to me; request a sentence of 30years, like they did with me. And like me you will lose your life because the jury system is tinted as is the jurist system of justice is corrupt. What ever!
Wednesday, August 6, 2014
"Shit" in the old days was good stuff like, "Puff the Magic Dragon..." It's not the same today because the citizen of today is just one of the many in this universe of ours, or at least on this planet, Earth. The elites and their corporations are citizens of the world. Whereas, if you are from the US, that is your designation. Now the elites, their corporations no longer have any allegiance to the US because Regan allowed corporations to leave the jurisdiction of the US and take their money with them, meaning that the people of the US no longer can be assured that these corporations have their best interests in mind when choosing where they are going to invest their resources for future harvesting; it's more that US corporations will invest in Africa so that they can proselytize the Islamist away from Islam and back toward Christianity. Never forget that all politics is local; the "new world order" believes that their future lies in the emerging economies; therefore, their investment in education is spent where they think it will best benefit their bottom line; not the bottom line of the US masses who where stupid enough to kill their right to unionize. Anyone who bought into the "right to work" bullshit is a follower of the religious right which wants to keep its congregation "barefoot and pregnant." Think about it. At one time, you were drafted into the service to socialize the work force; today, it is a tour through the prison system so as to create a new slave class of felons. Do not kid yourself, you as the "generalized other" can come from any one of the many populations dominating the surface of the earth. It's not just the good old US of A like it used to be when the American people were unionized. If you live in the US it is very unlikely that you will get the chance to compete for these new opportunities. The US universities are educating the foreign students so that they can develop the workforce from their country of origin. The manufacturing blessings that came out of WWII came about because Europe lay in ruin while the US was unscathed, therefore able to manufacture the products that the world needed to rebuild. It was the G.I. Bill & unions that built the middle class. It's the "elites" who took these opportunities away and gave you the likes of "a right to work state"...for example, SC and its socialized government and slave trading through prisons. Right! I know...shit happens.
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
"Curiosity"'s delicious.
When I'm in the trees, I like to observed the tree's top; each tree is different when it is no longer fighting for the sun. The tops appear like the curls on a child's head. But, when I walk into the woods the tree's trunk is where all the magic takes place. Its branches branching out fighting the adjacent tree's attempt at its options for the sun. You can see this in the way that the branches twist and turn because it's their job to keep the tree in balance. I have the "curls, twist & turns" of the tree as I meditate my way through the forest; passing on the forest's floor my thoughts drift into shared spaces. I contemplate "you" because that is my role if I want to understand "you." I think that "you" find your self through the reflective feedback from others. Because your "juice" is in distillation, fermenting its potency. Right! Who gives a flying "fuck" anyway? Yet curiosity is the delicious spice to use when engaging others mentally- especially when I'm walking through the woods alone. Still I'm living in my head; this is where you are. I'm engaging you in my mind's eye. I can do what ever I want to "you" when I am living in the privacy of my brain. But, at the same time, you are limited in what you can do to me when in the public sphere unless you are the criminal justice system fornicating with the judicial system over what the elites want as a society of liberation. Reflection- "The mirror image of the idea that liberation consists in the absence of
distress is that a free society consists in the absence of injustice;
thus the removal of injustice, rather than the creation of a perfect or
ideal society, is the target of political action. Just as the absence of
distress is a minimal condition compatible with many different kinds of
human well-being..., so the
absence of injustice is compatible with many different types of
well-ordered community or society." The quote is from the "Opinionator" by Gary Gutting.
Monday, August 4, 2014
Dump the "kid"
Good morning, world, I hope that you all had a good night's rest. Yes! You will need it if you are really going to engage with life's twist and turns. Not to be negative because life does need to be a challenge if you wish to accomplish the consequential time running through your potential. But you can, if you wish, just go to the beach and back off of the grind; that is your privilege. For me I have to battle against the system because the system is preventing me from enjoying life's opportunities. Now I also must say that as a "society" there needs to be a system which allows us to compete against each other in a fair and balanced way. Yet the system is convoluted because of some distorted sense of God's view of how you are supposed to behave and act to truly appease the elites instead of the masses. How about the idea of identifying a problem so that you can find a solution. But no matter what you do, you create a greater problem because it serves to validate the principles that you want fostered based upon some perceived understanding that your way of living is the only way of living. Maybe this is because you believe that the true meaning of life is to be lived in some other domain other than the here and now. For example, if you were right in your understanding of how the almighty wants things done, as the masses, you would have a fair share of society's wealth, but since you do not, maybe you could throw out the baby with the bath water because just maybe the baby is the making of Dr. Frankenstein. You know how that movie worked out, don't you?
Sunday, August 3, 2014
"While I breath, I hope."
Tortola, British VI is the place where I picked up the sailboat before heading out on the "wild blue yonder" looking for adventure and mystery with others like me. I'm sitting on the dock thinking that the "secretary" is the face of the business; I'm a product of my past, thank god offices had secretaries who knew how to get things done; so, how do you translate that into a business model for the internet. How do you construct a "porthole" or "wormhole" into the internet and call it Secretary. You would have to build a "control center" to guide the various aspects of your creativity. Anyway, this is what I'm attempting to do with my web site: WWW.THEBLACKMARKET.ME So give me a break about its appearance until I learn what and how to operate it. By the way, we all need something to contemplate about; so I'm all in on "social justice" under the laws of the Constitution. But I also understand that, to have any effect, you have to be on the "table" as they say. If you were to formalize under one construct, Inc., you could lobby on behalf of the felons because now that they are a corporation; they are entitled to arbitrate for their labor. Corporations are citizens too with all the pathways in place to traverse the system's in's and out's. Yes! It's the secretary's skills to "slice and dice" a pathway for your "porthole" or "wormhole" to plug into. These were my thoughts sitting on the dock in the harbor of Tortola, BVI. I'm sitting on the dock; it is small but private. Right in front of my mind's eye was the "sailing club" from which I would be debarking from. Yes! this is what I'm thinking about: How sailing around the islands could have been had I not been put upon by the state of SC and their rogue judicial system of the reigning elites to serve the time of their hypocrisy. Anyway, they did fuck me over; but, now is now; as you know, you must move on; but, not like the "man from La Mancha," maybe more like "Frankenstein." By turning the "secretary" from my days into the commander of the "bridge."
Friday, August 1, 2014

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